12 March 2008

Glo, Say It Ain't So ...

Poor little rich girl, Gloria. Not Vanderbuilt, Estefan that is.

There’s a couple of interesting quotes attributed to the Miami diva in this article. I don’t know if Gloria was tired or if she was tailoring her answers to an anglo audience or what, but her statements may explain why she doesn’t see a problem with inviting the Che loving Carlos Santana as a contributor on a CD dedicated to her former homeland, 90 Miles.

He author describes Gloria as:

the daughter of Cuban exiles - her dad was a political prisoner after Castro’s revolution

Gloria, who was born on the Pearl of the Antilles- to which she owes her fame and fortune-doesn’t describe herself as an exile, but refers to herself as an immigrant, however:

“They want to hear about my experiences, the difficulties and what I’ve learned along the way,” she said. “Especially being an immigrant - which is discussed so much these days - and having success and living the American dream.”

Estefan also has this to say:

For (husband) Emilio and me, the music is the one tie to our homeland
The one tie? ¡ Coño, ahora sí que la puso en China!

I guess Gloria and Emilio are lucky immigrants. They turn down the volume on the music and the “one tie” is gone. Others, exiles and refugees, are tied to that island in ways that they have to turn up the volume to drown out the sorrow.

She also expresses her opinion on the immediate future of Cuba under (r)aúl here.

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