18 February 2008

The Other Moncada Map

In 1955, when Cuba’s “fearless leader”-not dictator- was released from prison by the then “dictator” Fulgencio Batista, he drew a map for a journalist friend, Bernardo Viera Trejo, to explain what happened in the ill conceived and failed attempt on the Moncada Barracks.

This was on July 26, 1953. Now, the hand drawn is being auctioned and it's big news.

As with everything else with Cuba’s “leader”, it’s a piece of rewritten history.

I happened to come across the real Moncada Attack Map, drawn by the future Cuban “leader” right before the attack itself.

You may note that the map is in English- and no, I didn’t get it from Dan Rather. It just so happens that Fidel wrote the map in English for security reasons.

Here’s a copy of the map, giving us all a glimpse of the future Cuban “leader’s” bravery, strategic vision and awesome artistic ability.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Un saludo Gusano. Ahi te mando el link donde vi el original del mapa