Say what you will about Fidel, but at least he had a certain revolutionary fashion sense that defined him.
He had a look. Cultivated and recognized worldwide, even revered by those who are simple minded enough to gravitate to the left and read comic books where the heroes only wear one outfit.
Even now that he has been relegated to blogging about climate change and submarines, he has a new "look" of sorts. The red-white and blue Adidas track suit has now become as synonymous with the tyrant as the his olive green military uniform, beard and cigar once where. And experts, analysts and Cuba watchers all point to his new look as a sign that Castro is in no condition to take back the reigns of power. Even his Bolivarian protege in Caracas urged, no, insisted, that the comandante to put his uniform back on recently.
But these guys................
He had a look. Cultivated and recognized worldwide, even revered by those who are simple minded enough to gravitate to the left and read comic books where the heroes only wear one outfit.
Even now that he has been relegated to blogging about climate change and submarines, he has a new "look" of sorts. The red-white and blue Adidas track suit has now become as synonymous with the tyrant as the his olive green military uniform, beard and cigar once where. And experts, analysts and Cuba watchers all point to his new look as a sign that Castro is in no condition to take back the reigns of power. Even his Bolivarian protege in Caracas urged, no, insisted, that the comandante to put his uniform back on recently.
But these guys................

Photo/Noah Rudovsky/Presidency of Bolivia)
He,he,he .......
Old School Revolutionaries knew the secret to revolutionary success is in the "revolutionary look" and would therefore never be caught dead wearing shorts or without their boots on:
Is Evo Pregnant? Lol Who's is it? Lol Thats a whole other article for your blog! Pee Wee Herman and Erik Estrada playing Tennis? Isn't that an Imperialist sport?
I heard Castro used to play a little ball. What was his natural position? Left Out!
hahaha you guys are killing me!
Fifo never played baseball..what a bunch BS.Just look at how he holds the bat.I've seen kids in T-ball hold the bat better than that, and they never STOLE the T!!!!!
I'm pretty sure that the Old School guys even had a course on "How to Wear Your Beret at a Rakish Angle."
But apparently this new breed are all trying to emulate the new "Bionic Sportswear" look.
And it's sooo NOT working for them. =D
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