12 April 2007

Like Job

"in the path of God, and God will give you joy as He did for Esther and Ruth, and I will wait like Job."
Oscar Elias Biscet's message from prison to his wife, Elsa.
It’s interesting that Biscet likens himself to Job. Biscet, being a humble man, would probably never claim that his struggle is of biblical proportions, but there are some similarities just the same.

Job was a pious man and God allowed Satan to inflict all sorts of calamities on Job to test his faith. Job never wavered. Neither has Biscet. God had as much faith in Job as Job had in God.

Through all the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that Castro and his goons have inflicted on Biscet, his faith in God has not wavered, but grown, and neither has his faith in a free and democratic Cuba.

Freedom has as much faith in Biscet as Biscet has in Freedom.

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