06 December 2006

Ironic, Isn't It?

Right there, on the first page of Granma, there it was: Castro's letter of praise and congratulations to his protégé in Caracas for being elected president.

That's a feeling Fidel never knew in his lifetime since he lied, bullied and murdered his way into power. Maybe that's what he meant by: "I will be brief so that my emotions do not betray me." The betraying emotion being Jealousy.

Meanwhile the young in Cuba, scratched their heads and wondered to themselves : "They get to have elections to pick their presidents in Venezuela? Wow! Imagine that!"


Anonymous said...

Cierto, Gusano.
Tal para cual estos repugnantes monigotes.

Anonymous said...

Ja, entre en estancia cubana, de ahi me pase pa'cA en el enlace que pusiste, y ahora sali linkeado yo alla.

que es esto, chico?

Gusano said...

un blog circle vicioso, mi socio. estancia cubana esta que quema, vale la pena dos visitas, saludos burunate.