29 December 2006

Zen Like Indifference

Ah, How the MSM delights in reminding us that we exiles can only wait and see ... powerlessly……
How they relish in reminding us that WE didn’t bring Castro down, that time did, hinting at our cowardice…..

Brave souls they are, taunting the handcuffed.

Yet, when I read the MSM’s coverage of Cuba, Its mostly sugar coated fluff pieces.

Why isn’t Juan Carlos Herrera Acosta’s name on the front page of every American Paper this morning?

They can learn a valuable lesson from Mr. Herrera. He is a REAL journalist in a land where the truth is outlawed. Yet rather than write propaganda fluff pieces, he wrote about the truth. Now He rots in a Cuban jail, WHERE HE HAS SWEN HIS MOUTH SHUT in protest.

While the American “reporters” watch in silence with something worse than a Zen-like attitude:



“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality”

From the Sun Sentinel:

Exiles show patience as they await Fidel's death, political change in Cuba
Associated Press
December 29, 2006

Since Castro handed off power to his brother Raul in July to recover from intestinal surgery, his public absence has given Cubans living in the U.S. more reason to hope for political change there than they've had in decades.

Yet after 47 years of Castro's rule, they are wary of making New Year's predictions and many express an almost Zen attitude about the country's future.

A Spanish surgeon recently flew to the island to treat Castro and later said he does not have cancer and is making a slow but steady recovery.

Most Cubans here saw the visit as well-choreographed spin control. Yet while many think political change in Cuba has begun, few believe that even Castro's death will lead to an overnight about face in the government or more than four decades of tempestuous U.S.-Cuba relations.

Writer and Cuban exile Norberto Fuentes, once a confidant of Raul Castro, believes the most significant moment in Cuban politics has already occurred with the handoff of power. But he warned that after Castro's death, the world should not expect mass chaos there, as Cuba's leaders ``have long planned for this moment.''

Even the most dogged anti-Castro Cubans who fled the island shortly after the revolution now say that change there is no longer tied to Fidel Castro.

``If Fidel dies or doesn't die, it's immaterial. It's the end of the system that we are looking for,'' said business leader Remedios Diaz Oliver, a board member of the hardline Cuban Lberty Council.

Carmen Rodriguez, 53, who came to the U.S. a decade ago and recently visited relatives in Matanzas, Cuba, is also only cautiously optimistic.

``Yes things may ease a bit,'' she said, ``but you've still got the same people surrounding Raul, the same people in power.''

And even though people in Miami talk frequently about Castro's health and the changes to come, ``in Cuba, life continues the same and nobody talks about it,'' she said.

Copyright © 2006, South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Read the Whole Fluff Piece Here

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